Class Description
A class to empower high school students to make sound financial decisions for life.
This course is designed to fulfill .5 credits of high school math upon completion.
***Because of the scope of information, this course will meet outside of the normal 10 week Agape Class Schedule. Class begins January 5th, meets again on January 12th then will follow the normal 10 week Agape classes. It is also most likely that the class will have to continue a few weeks after Agape classes are done in March into April.
***This Class will also meet during the first and third hours of the regular 10 weeks of Agape classes. Please sign your student up for the first hour only so you do not get charged twice.
Class Requirements: Full class participation which includes: homework, group work and tests.
Materials Needed: Pencil, calculator, student workbook ( which is included in the class fee).
Teacher: Maley & Thaler
Cost: $40.00