Our Community
Agape provides homeschooling children with the opportunity to interact with other kids within our community. They are able to make friends with similar family values, share and grow in their faith, and just have a good time with kids their age.
- Educational – Kids connect through education – Campus Classes with enrichment and core subject classes
- Extracurricular – Debate Club, Lego Robotics, Performance Choir, Teen Group, etc
- Social – park days, field trips, community service projects
Agape strives to provide support for the parents; not only pertaining to homeschooling, but also for direct support for moms, dads, as a couple, and as a family. Being able to support homeschooling and traditional family values is important to the activities of Agape.
- Educational – Moms and Dads are able to learn about different curriculum, homeschooling styles, learning techniques, and various other subjects relating to homeschooling and family living.
- Extracurricular – Book Club, Mentor groups, Mom’s Night Out, etc
- Social – Park days, Craft days, etc
Agape believes that education is a God-given right and responsibility of parents, therefore will encourage homeschooling as a legitimate alternative to other forms of education. We will do our best to help guide any new families interested in pursuing home education by providing them with the information and support needed to make an educated decision for their family. We understand the homeschooling may not be right for every family, but believe that any family with the desire, should have the encouragement to follow their calling. New families will have access to veteran homeschoolers for advice, share their journey with other new homeschooling families, tutoring, classifieds for material and numerous other opportunities.
- Educational – Annual conference, workshops, seminars, curriculum show and sell, etc
- Extracurricular – mentor groups, new family groups, Mom’s Night out Out, etc
- Social – Park days, field trips, etc