Class Description
The class will have up to six trial simulations from a book that lets students delve into criminal and civil law with motivating cases that mirror situations in fairy tales, nursery rhymes, literature, and history. In the roles of attorneys, members of the jury, defendants, witnesses, and courtroom personnel, students prepare and conduct cases. They will learn to use statements of fact and witness affidavits to determine guilt or innocence.
The court cases allow students to understand both criminal and civil trials, with up to three types of each case. The cases that we have to choose from will allow the class to stage trials involving Hansel and Gretel, John Wilkes Booth, Little Miss Muffet, Romeo and Juliet, Jack and Jill, and Little Red Riding Hood.
Class Requirements: N/A
Materials Needed: Notebook and pencil
Teacher: Barna
Fee: Free