Class Description
This is a high school level class. We will be studying American Government, using Basic American Government by Clarence Carson and the United States Constitution as our main texts. There will be research, writing, and presentations. Expect to participate in intelligent sounding conversations each week based on the assigned reading. This involves doing homework to prepare for class each week and perhaps for a couple of weeks before the semester begins and ends if you want your parents to be able to give you a high school credit for this class.
Class Requirements:Ability to participate in intelligent, respectful conversations. Persons referred to in this class will be addressed with their proper title and I take this seriously. Mr. Lincoln is and always will be called President Lincoln and this applies to each and every President of the United States no matter the level of service performed for the country and party for which each person belongs. This is true to Justices, Senators, Governors, and Representative. If it is too hard to use proper titles of respect, perhaps a different class would be a better choice.
Materials Needed: Paper, pencil or pen, United State Constitution, and Clarence Carson’s Basic American Government (there are many used copies out there). You may need to use other supplies at home such as ink, more paper, a notebook, scissors, ect.
Teacher: Ziegler
Cost: Free