Class Description
We will be going through various sports throughout the week, mostly baseball, and soccer, with a few weeks of structured free time. We will be learning how to hit a ball, throw and catch, run the bases and work the outfield.
Kicking a ball, being in a team and listening to your coach!
Class Requirements: This is a high energy class, we will be very active, so I ask that kids have a desire to want to run and listen and stay focused on tasks at hand.
Materials Needed:Proper attire for outdoors. No sandals. Running shoes, and clothes that allow for free movement. They will need a bat, baseball and a mitt for baseball, typically you can find them at a local Goodwill or Salvation Army for cheap 🙂 If you have soccer balls I will request those to be brought in, later on in the semester. All kids should write their names on equipment brought.
Teacher: Vankuiken
Cost: $5