Class Description
This class will conduct the experiments for the second 8 modules of the Apologia Chemistry course. You do not need to be taking the course to be in the class. Though we are finishing what we started in the fall, having completed the first class is not required. These chemistry experiments are universal. I have this classes listed for those of high school age. I would be willing to accept very mature 13 year olds with prior approval from me.
Class Requirements: Students must be mature enough to strictly follow lab rules. We will be using chemicals and methods that if mishandled or improperly done have the potential to cause harm. Students must agree to follow the rules and follow them thoroughly.
Materials Needed: Safety goggles, Not glasses, but goggles. I have a few pairs if you do not have any. If goggles are not worn, you will not be allowed to be near the experiment no matter how simple and non-dangerous you think it is. Apron or lab coat. You will wear it. We will all wear them. You will be okay with it because you like your clothes and your skin. Long sleeve shirt. Trust me, sleeves protect your skin. Your skin is nice. Closed toe shoes. Flip flops and chemistry do not go together. Toes are valuable. They help you stand. Toes are very angry without proper skin on them. Shoes are replaceable, toes, not so much.Gloves. At least two weeks you will need good gloves. I will have latex gloves on hand (ha, ha, ha, still soooo punny), but you will also need thicker gloves that are long. Picture the old yellow dish washing gloves and you have the right picture. You can get them at the dollar store. Unless you put your hand too close the flame or don’t properly wash them at the end of the lab, they will last all semester. A notebook of some sort. A pen or pencil. You will be writing down what you see and what you are doing. It will be fun because everyone else will be writing too. Just like stampeding buffalo heading toward a cliff, if you all do it together, it will be…wait, bad example. Just bring a notebook and an instrument of writing. If you are in this class, you are old enough to bring your own things. Don’t rely on your mom to do it. She can, but you should.
Teacher: Mad Scientist Ziegler
Cost: $20.00